How Cardboard Display Help to Increase Sell-Through Rate?

Thinking of the shoppers going by but does not interact with your products, this is quite a waste of traffic. Every brand wants to be succeed in retail marketing but how to do? The answer lies in a traffic driving and sales pushing pop cardboard display.
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If you want your products stand out from the crowd and shout out to customers in store, you will definetely need a cardboard point of purchase display.

Thinking of the shoppers going by but does not interact with your products, this is quite a waste of traffic. Every brand wants to be succeed in retail marketing but how to do?

The answer lies in a traffic driving and sales pushing pop cardboard display.

By effectively drawing customer’s attention, cardboard displays can continously prove to encourage consumers put your products into baskets.

What is a Point of Purchase Cardboard Display?

A point of purchase cardboard display is a retail display that you can find anywhere off from the standard shelf. Point of purchase can be any part of a retail store where shoppers encounter and interact with your products.

Point of Purchase vs. Point of Sale

There are 2 types of cardboard display in retail industry we often mix or mistaken with each other, pop vs pos displays.

A point of purchase display refer to any where in the store that your customer engage with your products and make purchase decision. While a Point of Sale display is a display that put on or near your checkout counter or register, where people have finished their buying decision and waiting in line to pay and finish their shopping.

Based on these definitions, point of sale display is part of point of purchase displays.

Club Store Pallet Displays (6)

 6 Ways That a POP Cardboard Display Help to Increase Sell-through Rate.

Effective pop cardboard displays have so many advantage in retail place which help both brand owners and retail shopers. There is statistic shows that cardboard display help to increase sales upto 30% compared to onshelf display.

To dig into details, let’s discuss here the top six benefits of a effective point of purchase cardboard display.

Attention Grabing

Imagine if your products and other competitors stay inline of the store shelf calmly waiting for a shopper to find you and compare prices between you. The shopper will lost himself in the vast variety of similar produts.

If your products are hosted in a seperate place along or at the end of the aisle, in an island with 4 ways access, like a pop cardboard display, you are definetely get the most of consumers attention.

Like consumers skim down the aisle and your products pop up in a free standing cardboard display, the chances of buying your products increase with no doubt.

Add Additional Information to Your Package

When you got a great product and packed in a well designed packaging like boxes or bags and you want to make the first debut. However you are unable to narrate the unique selling points of your products due to the limited packaging size itself.

Then a point of purchase or point of sale cardboard display will compensate for that. Take a Free Standing Display Unit for example, the communicative header, two side panels, shelf lip or shelf talkers all you can design specific information or graphics to educate your customer.

You’ve got a billboards on customized pop cardboard display compared with its original packaging, which greatly increased purchase chance and sales.

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Locate Your Products Freely and Strategically

Rather than store your products on the squeezed shelf fixtures, point of purchase cardboard displays can be placed freely anywhere in a store.

A point of sale display like a counter cardboard display can be put on a check out counter where people are ready to make their purchase and pay. A corrugated dumpbin can be strategically put next to the most hot selling items so that it can generate free traffic.

At least your products will leave the bottom shelf and bring up to eye level to get max. consumer engagement with a cardboard display.

Save Your Shop Associate’s Merchandising Time

Brand owners and retail managers are struggling to merchandise their products to the upmost. This is largely depend on how well your shop associate understand your brand identity, product value and their unique selling points.

You don’t even hire a specific shop associate to merchandise your products unless when products need to restock, the pop display itself is a merchandiser.

Cost Saving Profit Generating

There are a variety of ways that you can get your products a promotional advertising. Like billboards, TV commercials, magazines etc, among all the ways average cost of a point of purchase cardboard display is the least.

Shared cost of a cardboard display might only be a fraction of the other ad channels.

Also in store retail displays can get an immediate impact when the shoppers walking in, you target the right audience at once.

Aim At Impulse Buyers

Things will get easier when a consumer already walked into a retail store. They already decide to buy something. But be sure that they will also skimming around to see if there is anything that they can take together.

This is especially true for fast turnaround items, like drinks, beer, snacks, and those items put on checkout counter with a point of sale display. At this time, your products are neatly and nicely displayed on a cardboard display, and it will trigger your consumers to buy which they did not originally intended to.

This impulse buy attribute at least 20% to your total revenue.

Best Practice on POP Cardboard Displays

Creative in Structure and Eye-Catching on Graphics

Your goal of point of purchase cardboard display is to grab consumers attention when they walk into the store and searching for items they are intended to buy. The best practice

So the display you are using should be capable of distinguish your items from the rest competitors. You definetely need a eye-catching display with unique shape that adhear to your brand value and corporate identity.

Some useful suggestions you might agree with us,

  • Irregular display shape
  • Bright in color
  • Big graphics
  • Uique selling points
  • Robust weight bearing

You need to try many ways to test the real effects a display could bring to your business. Other successful experience may or may not apply in your case. So try yourself until you win the market.

Club Store Pallet Displays (6)

Location, Location, Location

By location, there are mainly two factors that a cardboard display can bring to your retail business.

Off shelf cardboard pos displays can be put anywhere in the store, along the aisle, at the end of aisle, on checkout counter so that you get your products closer to your audience.

Another flexibility a pop corrugated display can be is that they can be put near complementary ones. So that it reminds your customers to buy your item without second thought, and they also don’t need to start a new search in store.

At any point you want to know more how a cardboard display could bring you greater sales, contact us for a free job review.

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